Friday, April 26, 2019

Knowledge Management Techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Knowledge Management Techniques - shew ExampleKnowledge way solutions enable the company or organization implementing it to share relevant and usable randomness at all levels of the organization. Knowledge counsel reduces redundancy, creates efficiency and allows a company to utilize information for innovativeness. New recruits require minimal needing and allow the company to utilize time effectively. Intellectual proportion can be retained after employees stop working. The two case studies are Northbridge Model mark off Shop and Food Festival. CASE STUDY I NORTHBRIDGEMODELTRAINSHOP(NMTR) 1. PRELIMINARY investigation 1a) NorthbridgeModelTrainShop intends to continue utilizing the existing network and improve the organizations intimacy base. The activities within and extracurricular Northbridge Model Train Shop affects familiarity management preparaedness hence there is need to conduct an audit. NMTR knowledge management structure requires retructuring and development to ac comaodate increasing tasks. Since the management already poses a knowledge organization, the existing frame can be effectively apply to enhance and achive a competent managements system. A central house where all the knowledge can be accessed and controlled lacks in the oragnization. There is explicict information that can be used to further generate unambigous information for knowledge management as Bennett (1999) points out1. 1b) As a knowledge management expert, it is posible to happen upon knowledge management gaps that exist. NMTR has acquired knowledge over the knowledge and requires expertese to adequately use the knowledge for the reject person when required. It is necessary to intergrate tacid and explict knowledge in the organization to achive competency and adequately meet NMTR knowledge management needs. Tacid sources of the organizatoin assist in identifying the knowledge gaps that exist. Moreover, the customers needs will be considered when implimenting knowledge management system and find that NMTR obtains competitive advantage. 1c) Knowledge management needs in NMTR can be adressed with an aim of assisting the company create its goals. NMTR strategy is dependent on strategy designed by the owner, Jim. For knowledge management to be sucessful, the knowledge Jim possess together with the organizational strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and strengths will influence the outcome. Efficiency will be achived if NMTR stategy is propertly articulated in knowledge management. NMTR will use the existing knowledge to create competitiveness. As an expert, knowledge management mapping, the determination of information technology and innovation can be considered as necessary. 1. KNOWLEDGE AUDIT 2a) Knowledge gaps and blockages identify what should be done to achieve knowledge management needs. NMTR has published materials on the train inventory system and wants to develop a new knowldge management that includes the train and slot car materials. The re is need regulate the available materials and categorize them to allow their effective use in the new venture in train and slot car materials. Additionaly, a system where new information is documented in a adjectival way can be identified to absorb information from the new area. There is need for ontology and existence of terms within the new area. Terms that are commonly used in the

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